This is certainly the most captivating story of 2023 on Medium! I don't have a lot of spiritual experience as you have had. I've astral projected once--flying over the backyard of my youth (I was in my 30s when I had the dream); supposedly I asked my mom, weeks before I had the lupus cerebritis that left me handicapped, what would she do if I couldn't walk; and I've smelled the scent of my deceased aunt and uncle's house in Switzerland long after they were gone. I also met my spirit guide and received communications from her. I'm not a scientist, but I used to edit medical manuscripts with the rigorous discipline of a scientist. As for reconciling the dichotomy between art and science, I see no reason why one man shouldn't be gifted in both realms. I think it would happen more if other scientists were as open to these realms coinciding as you have been!