Mega-claps for you, Bryan, for a well-written and idea-packed article: I highlighted several sentences/sentence fragments.
I recently started Ayodeji Awosika’s program (I’m pretty sure it was his article, although I couldn’t source the article on Medium for the life of me) of blogging during the first 10 minutes after waking up (output before input to grab that early morning creativity you spoke of) and 10 minutes before I go to bed. The idea is never to go to bed without asking your consciousness a question (preferably regarding something you want to do but never seem to get around to doing). That way your consciousness can work on it while you sleep. You then capture any ideas you had during sleep/on awakening in your morning blogging. Dang, that article was SO GOOD. If anyone knows which one I’m talking about, would you please put the link in a comment here? TY!)
That program works like a charm. Among the changes wrought by this practice is that I can get to bed by midnight and wake by 8 am. That’s HUGE for me, and I could envision waking up earlier at some point . . . when I’m ready to. My why for waking up early is to write.
If I decide I want to wake up earlier, I will definitely use your very helpful suggestions!