I had no idea that this movie had ignited so many cannonballs! I'm not queer, but I understand idolizing and yearning and those things colliding with another's reality. This is simply the most romantic movie I have ever seen regardless of gender or age gap. The filmography is pure and sensual. The ending is gut-wrenching and drew much weeping from me.
It is absolutely crucial that there is a somewhat significant age gap between the two men. Elio' yearning, idolizing romantic viewpoint blossomed sweetly and not-so-innocently, such that it's meeting head-on the brick wall of Oliver's reality makes the ending so devastatingly beautiful. And the songs by Sufjan Steven's sere achingly beautiful. I have never heard parts of a movie soundtrack that we so perfectly suited to the story told in the film.
So, not only was there a significan age gap, it was actually essential to the type of romance depicted. Was there grooming in the story in the typical manner? No. But Oliver eventually DID go along with what Elio pursued; he didn’t rebuff ELio like some might have preferred him to do. But Oliver didn’t become an instantaneous lecher. It took some time before he allowed himself to respond to Elios overtures.
Did everyone miss the beautiful talk Elio's father had with him after the fact? Apparently he had had a similar relationship when he was young and advised his son to relish it.
I just don’t know why people can't simply enjoy a well-acted, well-made romantic love story without attaching drama to it. It's just a story people! God, so many puritans!